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  • Writer's pictureMark Dearnley


There’s something about the stillness that is often evident at this time of year. The earth in its winter rest with nature dormant awaits the awakening of spring. On cold crisp days I’ve noticed the calm water of lakes and ponds provides striking reflections of surrounding scenery. In the busyness of daily activity I find myself compelled to stop and admire the detail and accuracy of reflected trees and buildings.

In this context of mirrored clarity I’m reminded of the need to pause. And in these moments to notice not just the wonderful world around us but also God’s work in shaping us so that we reflect his characteristics in what we do and who we are.

This week if you are out near some still water take a moment to stop and spend time to notice the scenery reflected in the water’s surface. Pray that God will enable you to reflect his characteristics in the encounters and activities of the days ahead.

God of still waters, may the calm goodness of your presence run deep in our lives. And may we reflect that same goodness to those we meet this week. Amen.

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